
Geriatric Rehabilitation in delhi

Geriatric physiotherapy helps those affected by such problems by developing a specialized program to help restore mobility, increase fitness levels and more. Ortho Neuro Physio offers home based physiotherapy services upon request. Whether you have just fractured your hip, had a knee replacement or experiencing difficulty walking, our therapists will perform an independent assessment and develop a program to optimize your independence and minimize your pain. Geriatric population is the most neglected population in our society. The active & energetic person of one time becomes lonely & neglected after certain age. They are made to exercise in a group. The exercises include exercises for preventing Knee pain, Back pain, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Balance training, Cardiopulmonary Conditioning, Ergonomics, Life style modification, Pranayama, Relaxation & entertainment as well. This one hour a day becomes very refreshing & recreative for them in addition to providing many health related benefits. It helps them to age gracefully. Geriatric physical therapy is a proven means for older seniors from every level of physical ability to improve their strength, physical fitness, balance and also to build confidence in order for them to function independently. Geriatric physical therapy also plays an important role in improving mobility and overall fitness. All of these are factors which older seniors suffering from Cancer, Arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease may benefit from, contributing to their physical abilities and helping them to maintain their independence for longer periods of time.