28 July

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition of elbow in which the elbow tendon is overloaded, usually by the repetitive movement of wrist and arm. The pain may also extend to forearm and grip strength become weak.

About 2% to 3 % of population are affected, in which female are more prone those 30 to 50 years old. It can be also related to occupation like carpenters, painters, plumbers and butchers.


It is an overuse and repetitive injury of the lateral elbow tendon (extensor muscle tendon). The cause is repeated contractions of the forearm muscle that you use to raise hand and wrist.

Many other common arm motions can cause tennis elbow, including

  • Screw driving
  • Painting
  • Cutting vegetables and cooking activities
  • Carpantry
  • Plumbing
  • Playing some types of musical instruments

A direct blow to the elbow joint can also make the tendons swell.


  • Age: most common in adults between the age of 30-50 years
  • Occupation: people who have jobs in which repetitive movements of the wrist and arm like plumbing and carpenter are most likely to develop this condition.
  • Poor athletic technique: like when a tennis player hitting force that is supported mostly by the elbow rather than the abdominal muscles.


  • In tennis elbow the pain is radiate from lateral side of elbow into the forearm and wrist.
  • Point tenderness over lateral part of elbow.
  • Pain increased while gripping the object with wrist extension.
  • Poor grip strength.
  • You may feel Elbow stiffness.
  • Feeling of weakness in wrist and arm.


  • DO’S - Icing, Rest, Wear brace
  • DON’TS - Avoid repetitive movement of elbow, Avoid use of mobile, laptop and video games, Avoid weight lifting from affected arm.


Physiotherapy is very effective treatment in tennis elbow. The treatments available for tennis elbow are:

  • ICE PACK: it will help to reduce inflammation and muscle spasm.
  • ULTRASONIC THERAPY: it will help in reduction of pain and inflammation. It promotes tissue healing.
  • IONTOPHORESIS: It is also helpful to reduce inflammation by applying anti-inflammatory ions topically to the elbow and transmitting these ions through the skin with an electric current.
  • DEEP FRICTION MASSAGE: it decreases pain, stimulation of fiber orientation in regenerating connective tissue and also prevention of tissue adhesion formation.
  • EXERCISE THERAPY: once the pain ease, then you should start exercises. Exercise therapy is a regimen of physical activities to restore normal muscle function. A physical therapist will design some stretching and strengthening exercise programme according to your symptoms.